Abbey Road Back Cover clue

The blurry shadow to the right of "BEATLES" appears to be a skull with a crack and brick contour forming an "X" cross-bones. Together, they are the nearly universal symbol of death.

At the upper left, eight dots, resembling bullet holes, are inexplicably positioned on the wall immediately before "BEATLES". Connected, the holes form a "3" as in "3" Beatles. It is curious as to why the groups full name "THE BEATLES" was not used.

See this clue and many more at

Tuesday, January 20

The Butcher Cover, another clue...

Yesterday and Today - released June 15, 1966 - aka: The Butcher Cover

The practice of sacrificing human beings as a ritual form of worship is well established throughout history. The most reviling sacrifice to Satan involves the killing of young, innocent children - infantcide.

View more about this clue, click here.

Monday, January 19

The Lennon Prophecy MySpace...

We are putting the finishing touches on The Lennon Prophecy MySpace page and will be launching it in about a week. We'll post once it's live and look forward to your feedback.

Sunday, January 18

WZLX Breakfast with The Beatles Interview

100.7 WZLX Breakfast with the Beatles

Cha-Chi interviews the author, click here to listen.

Visit for clues, info
about the book, contact the author, and more.

Tuesday, January 13

Have a Death Clue?

The Beatles Death Clues / Lennon Death Clues
Web Site Unveiling Coming Soon!

The Beatles Death Clues site will allow you to submit your own
death clues, text, images, audio, video, and much more.

Stayed Tuned...

Thursday, January 1

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!